Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I thought the epilogue would be lame-city, but the fantasies of Rodion's: the plague that makes everyone super intelligent and they become rabid toward each other. Wow.

What an amazing part of the book to be explored.

And who knew such a gloomy world would spit out a happy ending.

Crime & Punishment Documentary Part 2 of 8

Crime & Punishment Documentary Part 1 of 8


Rodion says something like If I would have never been loved or loved anyone else, none of this would have happened. What does this mean? Note it is italicized in the book.

Nice shot, Svid Vicious

Wow, that section of freaky Svid was cool. Kinda sick and twisted, specially when he was having that crazy nightmare where his perversion turned up to 11. I was so glad the 5 year old was part of his nightmare. The imagery of the flies and the mouse really adds to the decay. Why do you think Svid kills himself? Interesting comparison to Rasko, who doesn't kill himself.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Svidrigailov, what a perv

This is getting weird.

"Everyone must look out for himself, and the best time is had by those who're best able to deceive themselves. Ha-ha!"

What a creep