Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I thought the epilogue would be lame-city, but the fantasies of Rodion's: the plague that makes everyone super intelligent and they become rabid toward each other. Wow.

What an amazing part of the book to be explored.

And who knew such a gloomy world would spit out a happy ending.

Crime & Punishment Documentary Part 2 of 8

Crime & Punishment Documentary Part 1 of 8


Rodion says something like If I would have never been loved or loved anyone else, none of this would have happened. What does this mean? Note it is italicized in the book.

Nice shot, Svid Vicious

Wow, that section of freaky Svid was cool. Kinda sick and twisted, specially when he was having that crazy nightmare where his perversion turned up to 11. I was so glad the 5 year old was part of his nightmare. The imagery of the flies and the mouse really adds to the decay. Why do you think Svid kills himself? Interesting comparison to Rasko, who doesn't kill himself.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Svidrigailov, what a perv

This is getting weird.

"Everyone must look out for himself, and the best time is had by those who're best able to deceive themselves. Ha-ha!"

What a creep

Just turn yourself in

If you turn yourself in you will get a shorter sentence.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

I heard it through the wall.

Damn, Svidreegandroy is a sly fox, eh?
As Rasko told Sonya what he did, Svidreegandroy is listening. He He He!
Who's the louse now?

Katerina freakin out

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I think most of us have felt like this before

"All night a black serpent of wounded self esteem had eaten at his heart."

poor Luzhin

petrovich on facebook

good golly miss molly
click here

the investigator is a creep.

I hat that laugh of his: "Tee Hee Hee."

If I was Rasko I would be drivin nuts too.

gosh diggity dog

Why did Nikolai lie about the murder and run himself in for something he did not do?

How cool would it be if Batman showed up?

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Rasko is gettin mean.
Wait, Sonya's a hooker
was Rasko's sister a hooker or just a promiscuous girl?

Sonya thinks Lisaveta was cool.

Why does Rasko make her read Lazarus out loud?

So Rasko thinks he and Sonya should go on a road trip. Is this going to turn into Natural Born Killers? I sure hope so.

Wait, Rasko's leaving and when he comes back, he'll tell who killed Lisaveta--never tell on yourself, dude.


Pyotr failed

Damn, Roscal Flats sis told that fool Pytre to get wiped. And now he is pissed and wants some revenge.

So Razumkhin, or who I like to call Razzle Dazzle, want sto start publishing stuff.

Rasko cuts his ties....

here's a good question:
why the stare down between Rasko and Razzle Dazzle?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a list of movies you should watch this summer that really have nothing to do with summer reading

L e SAmorai
pierrot le fou
don't look back
touc h of evil
8 1/2
un chien andalu
blood of the beasts thi sis on you tube
seven samurai
andre rublev
food of the gods
grey gardens
elevator to the gallows
vernon, florida

that'll do for now

something to brighten your day

this is a wacky film theory about Toy Story 3

Monday, June 21, 2010

marmeladov is dead

run down by a horse
his life was too short
he might have been a dork
but...hey...he was a fun guy
Rasko is upset and covered in blood
Marmaduke's wife is glad the fool is dead...kinda
Rasko P. Coltrane says he will help them out
If I wasn't depressed before..I am now

Part III begins ....NOW....NOW....NOW....NOW....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin part 2 chapter5

Rodya gets to meet is soon to brother-in-law. The dude is not liked. He comes across as pompous and he's dressed really well, but Rodya's mom and sister are being put up in the cheaapest dwelling, stingy Luzhin.

Let's rap about this scene.

there is some hints at killing being okay to get by in such hard times. The start of this discussion.

we also find out that everyone who had a pledge (or pawning) with Alyona Ivanovna is being questioned by the investigator, Porfiry.

Uh-oh...shoulda take care of that Rodan...I mean Rodya.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

cool word


Insincere pathos; sentimentality; mawkishness.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

a word that may come in handy

uh-poth-ee-oh-sis, ap-uh-thee-uh-sis
the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.

really gettin weird

I am loving this. Now Rasko is hallucinating and randomly falling asleep. A true creep. Can't wait to read some other World Lit filled with creepy characters.

not sure what the image is, just creepy.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I didn't see that coming. He was just supposed to kill the wicked pawn-lady.

Friday, May 28, 2010

so many signs

SO our hero hears some things that lead him to his crime. It's as if reality is forming around him and pushing him towards murder.

I used to think reality could be formed in real time by my mind because I keep seeing red objects, and they were focal points in my reality. I would walk into a room and there would be a baby grand piano, covered in a big red cloth; my roommate decided to cover a table with a red table cloth. Those are the only two examples I can think of; for arguments sake this would not hold up at all, but--hey, is that a red unicorn? :0

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crime and Punishment drawings 2

Crime and Punishment drawings

what a dream

That poor horse. "Whip the eyes!" What a horrible dream.

Every other horror has been in Rasko's conscious world: the kids crying in the room while their drunken dad gets beat by mom and the drunkin girl who was probably abused, but the animal being brutally killed is in Rasko's dream as a child with his father--after visiting his little brother's grave. Good Questions.

the family
the young girl
the horse

The drunk girl on the bench

What a scene. I love the way it is written. The narrative is smooth, but there is still great description. When you read the scene, pay attention to the style. Why do you think it works so well without being verbose? I find my question is the thing to look at here. AT a time of romantic language, Dostoyevsky is to the purpose in his writing, but there is still a voice there. It will be important to pay attention to that voice.

Raskolnikov tries to do the right thing and defend this girl from that pervert, but he looses money and gets yelled at for intruding. Raskolnikov sees the trouble in trying to help. Why bother? Poor guy.

I'm starting to scan my cerebral database for a superhero comic that compares. Anybody?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friedrich Nietzsche is a part of this book, so let's start with this

Crime and Punishment Trailer

Crime and Punishment so far

I started reading this beast last night, and I feel you guys should enjoy it. It really gets going right away. The guy we’re following around is Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov (the main character who is alternately called Rodya, Rodenka, and Rodka). The dude is freaked out constantly. He’s poor in a poor part of town where everyone’s drunk all the time. He always has to dodge his landlady because he owes her money. Oh yeah, and he wants to do something terrible to the moneylender or pawn shop owner Alyona Ivanovna.

cool words:

natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition.

Marmeladov is probably putting some ideas in Rodya’s head. Marmeladov is getting more and more drunk. BTW the yellow card that Marmeladov keeps talking about is like a passport for a prostitute, so his daughter had to become a prostitute. And, Mr. Marmeladov stays drunk because he feels he must be as miserable as his wife and children. And he stole some money from the moneylender. Egat. This is depressing. What are your thoughts guys?

I hope that was the last of him. What a creep. And what a depressing chapter. It may rain all summer because of this book. The kids crying in the corner, and one kid wakes up and starts crying. And Marmaledov drank all the money away, and he enjoys the beatings he gets because he feels he deserves the misery. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU GUYS?

Portishead - The Rip