Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crime and Punishment so far

I started reading this beast last night, and I feel you guys should enjoy it. It really gets going right away. The guy we’re following around is Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov (the main character who is alternately called Rodya, Rodenka, and Rodka). The dude is freaked out constantly. He’s poor in a poor part of town where everyone’s drunk all the time. He always has to dodge his landlady because he owes her money. Oh yeah, and he wants to do something terrible to the moneylender or pawn shop owner Alyona Ivanovna.

cool words:

natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition.

Marmeladov is probably putting some ideas in Rodya’s head. Marmeladov is getting more and more drunk. BTW the yellow card that Marmeladov keeps talking about is like a passport for a prostitute, so his daughter had to become a prostitute. And, Mr. Marmeladov stays drunk because he feels he must be as miserable as his wife and children. And he stole some money from the moneylender. Egat. This is depressing. What are your thoughts guys?

I hope that was the last of him. What a creep. And what a depressing chapter. It may rain all summer because of this book. The kids crying in the corner, and one kid wakes up and starts crying. And Marmaledov drank all the money away, and he enjoys the beatings he gets because he feels he deserves the misery. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU GUYS?

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